


刘微,浙江大学博士,化学与材料科学学院教授,博士研究生导师。河北省自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者、河北省蔬菜产业体系专家组成员。迄今为止,Soil Biology and BiochemistryBioresource Technology, FEMS Microbiology EcologyScience of the total environment, Journal of soils and sediments等土壤与环境领域重要刊物上发表论文30余篇。参与出版著作2部;获授权国家发明专利3项,实用新型专利3项。目前是Journal of soils and sediments, RSC AdvanceJournal of hazards materialsScientific reports 、ChemosphereSCI刊物审稿人。主要从事土壤污染物迁移转化及调控技术、土壤微塑料分析及风险评估,重点关注障碍土壤微生态系统动态和污染物-环境材料相关的界面过程。先后主持或作为骨干成员参与河北省杰出青年基金项目、河北省自然科学基金、国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、京津冀协同发展重点专项、河北省高等学校创新团队项目等项目10余项。

联系方式:E-mail: auhlw80@126.com





1.Sashuang Rong, Shutao Wang, Hongmei Liu, Yuxin Li, Jia Huang, Wanqing Wang, Bing Han, Shiming Su,Wei Liu*. Evidence for the transportation of aggregated microplastics in the symplast pathway of oilseed rape roots and their impact on plant growth[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 912, 169419.

2.Sashuang Rong, Shutao Wang, Huiwei Zhao, Hongmei Liu, Lei Wang, Xinxin Wang, Shiming Su, Bing Han, Mei Wang, Yang Zhong,Wei Liu*. Characteristics of microplastics and their effects on phthalates and microbial activity in greenhouse soil after long-term planting[J]. Emerging Contaminants, 2024, 100368.

3.Wei Liu, Jie Huang, Anthony J. Weatherley, Wenjun Zhai, Fuya Liu, Zhiling Ma, Yunhong Jiao, Chao Zhang, Bing Han*.Identifying adsorption sites for Cd(II) and organic dyes on modified straw materials[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022,301,113862.

4.Ya Feng, Jianjun Yang,Wei Liu*, Yubo Yan, Yihao Wang. Hydroxyapatite as a passivator for safe wheat production and its impacts on soil microbial communities in a Cd-contaminated alkaline soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 404,124005.

5. Yulong Li, ChaoGao, Sashuang Rong, Jialin Gu, Huiwei Zhao, Shiming Su,WeiLiu*. Combining mercapto-functionalized palygorskitewith zinc affect cadmium phytoavailability and soil microbial activity in rhizosphere soil. land degradation and development. 2021,1–11.

6.Yulong Li,Sufen Dong,Jianchen Qiao,Shuxuan Liang,Xiaowei Wu,Mei Wang,Huiwei Zhao,Wei Liu*. Impact of nanominerals on the migration and distribution of cadmium on soil aggregates[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020,262,121355.

7.Wei Liu*,Yulong Li,Ya Feng,Jianchen Qiao,Huiwei Zhao,Jixing Xie,Yanyan Fang,Shigang Shen,Shuxuan Liang.The effectiveness of nanobiochar for reducing phytotoxicity and improving soil remediation in cadmium-contaminated soil[J].Scientific Reports,2020,10(1),858.

8.Wei Liu,Chenchen Zhao,Shutao Wang*, Lin Niu,Yunli Wang, Shuxuan Liang,Zhe Cui. Adsorption of cadmium ions from aqueous solutions using nano-montmorillonite: kinetics, isotherm and mechanism evaluations[J]. Res Chem Intermed,2018,44(3),1441-1458.

9. Chenchen Zhao,Shuxia Ren,Qingqing Zuo,Shutao Wang,Yapeng Zhou,Wei Liu*,Shuxuan Liang. Effect of nanohydroxyapatite on cadmium leaching and environmental risks under simulated acid rain[J]. Science of the Total Environment,2018,627,553-560.

10.Wei Liu,Rong Huo,Junxiang Xu,Shuxuan Liang,Jijin Li,Tongke Zhao,Shutao Wang*. Effects of biochar on nitrogen transformation and heavy metals in sludge composting[J]. Bioresource Technology,2017,235,43-49.

11.Wei Liu*,Shutao Wang,Qingqing Zuo,Shuxuan Liang,Shigang Shen,Chunxia Zhao. Nano-hydroxyapatite alleviates the detrimental effects of heavy metals on plant growth and soil microbes in e-waste-contaminated soil.[J]. Environmental science. Processes & impacts,2016,18(6),760-767.

12.Wei Liu*,Shutao Wang,Peng Lin,Hanwen Sun,Juan Hou,Qingqing Zuo,Rong Huo. Response of CaCl2-extractable heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls, and microbial communities to biochar amendment in naturally contaminated soils[J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments,2016,16(2),476-485.

13.Wei Liu, Shutao Wang, Hanwen Sun*, Qingqing Zuo, Ying Lai,Juan Hou. Impact of nanometer hydroxyapatite on seed germination and root border cell characteristics[J].RSC advance, 2015,5(101),82726-82731.

14.Wei Liu*, Shutao Wang, Jin Zhang, Tong Xu. Biochar influences the microbial community structure during tomato stalk composting with chicken manure[J]. Bioresource Technology,2014,154,148-154.









1.刘微;任淑霞;霍荣;刘红梅;赵同科,一种含有生物质炭的堆肥体系及其堆肥方法,ZL 2015 1 0702393.5

2.刘微;赵陈晨;左清青:梁淑轩;牛琳;安泽宇;刘红梅,纳米改良剂对根际环境中重金属钝化效果的评估方法,ZL 2017 1 0047132. 3

3.刘微;赵陈晨;牛琳:安泽宇:梁淑轩;左清青;孙庆超;王云丽,可调节的多隔层根箱,ZL 2017 2 0081220.0

4.刘微;孙庆超;乔建晨;梁淑轩;赵春霞;刘红梅;武晓微;崔哲,降低土壤镉含量的复合钝化剂及其制备方法与应用,ZL 2018 1 1643573. 0

5.刘微;荣飒爽;方艳艳;王旭东;张佳旭;翟文珺;赵会薇;王树涛,农田土壤微塑料的提取方法及提取设备,ZL 2020 0225080.6

6.刘微;翟文珺;宋新鹏;荣飒爽;韩冰,一种蔬菜抗重金属能力的评价方法,ZL 2022 1 1084305.6

7.韩冰;王献玲;刘微;陈国锋;马志领;焦运红,具有脲酶活性抑制作用的官能化秸秆及其制备方法以及脲酶抑制作用的测定方法,ZL 2021 1 1508455.0

8.韩冰;马志领;刘微;焦运红,针对含重金属阳离子废水的处理方法,ZL 2020 1172929. 4
