2020年6月,由康振海任主编的《河北蓝皮书·河北传媒发展报告(2020)》(ISBN 978-7-5201-6478-8)由社会科学文献出版社出版发行。我中心金强研究员领衔的团队完成了分报告(B3 2019年河北图书业、期刊业发展报告)部分,该部分共计35页,约计1.8万字,主要分为图书业和期刊业两部分。
Report on the development of Books and Periodicals in Hebei Province 2019
Abstract:In 2019,compared with the same industry and brother provinces’institutions,Hebei book publishing industry has a moderate scale,a flat development,and still has a large space for improvement.The layout of two university publishing presses plus one Publishing Group highlights the multi-point dispersion of the development of book publishing industry in Hebei Province.In 2019,the book publishing units of the province won many awards,but the stability,level and quantity of awards are still not high.Foreign cooperation publishing,thematic book publishing and important publishing funding projects have also achieved success, but the refinement of Hebei cultural characteristics and the excavation of local publishing resources still need to be improved.Hebei publishing&media group,as the representative of the mainstream of Hebei publishing industry,has frequent highlights in the corresponding business development,but some data and indicators also show the difficulties and dilemma of development.The development of the periodical industry is also faced with corresponding problems,such as the prominent problems of the system and mechanism,the unchanged loss situation,and the ineffective operation of the new media.To solve these risks,the industry need professional thinking and talents.In 2020,Hebei's book and periodical industry should continue to innovate its system and mechanism,attract advantageous and characteristic resources,enhance its own communication capacity and strive to connect with the trend of electronic and network business.
关键词:河北出版传媒集团 图书 出版业 科技期刊
Keywords: Hebei Publishing and Media Group Book Publishing Industry Sci-tech Journals