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Syed Hasan Javed

发布时间: 2019-03-26 21:07:44 作者:本站编辑 来源: 本站原创浏览次数:
摘要:CV OF Ambassador (Retired) Syed Hasan Javed


CV OF Ambassador (Retired) Syed Hasan Javed

Born in December 1955, Ambassador (Retired) Syed Hasan Javed holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Karachi. He joined the Civil Service of Pakistan in 1979, after qualifying the Central Superior Services Examinations and opted for the Foreign Service. Ambassador (Retired) Syed Hasan Javed served as Pakistan’s Ambassador in Germany, Singapore and Mauritius. He has also worked as a diplomat in Zimbabwe, Tajikistan and Belgium. He served in the People’s Republic of China in two diplomatic assignments for nearly a decade. While in service, he was trained in higher educational institutions in Beijing, Geneva, Paris and Hawaii.

Mr. Javed speaks fluent Chinese, Persian and has studied a number of other languages including Russian, German, French, and Arabic etc. His research Papers, Articles and Write ups are regularly published both in China and Pakistan. He is author of several books on China including “Chinese Made Easy”,” Chinese Soft Power Code’, “Paramount Chinese English Urdu Dictionary” and “Rise of China and the Asian Century”. He is Director Chinese Studies Centre of Excellence, National University of Science and Technology (NUST).Islamabad.


出生于1955年12月,大使(退休) 赛伊德·哈桑·贾伟德拥有卡拉奇大学经济学硕士学位。1979年,他通过中央高级事务人员考试合格后加入巴基斯坦公务员制度,并选择了外交事务。赛伊德·哈桑·贾伟德曾担任巴基斯坦驻德国、新加坡和毛里求斯大使。他还曾在津巴布韦、塔吉克斯坦和比利时担任外交官。他在近十年的时间里为中华人民共和国完成了两项外交任务。在任职期间,他在北京、日内瓦、巴黎和夏威夷的高等教育机构都接受过培训。


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