HBU-UCLan School of Media,
Communication and Creative Industries
Home > Faculty >Timothy Chan
Timothy Chan

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Name:Timothy Chan

HBU-UCLan Department:BA (hons) Interior Design

HBU-UCLan Position:Course Leader / Senior Lecturer

Professional title: PhD - Dr Timothy Y. M. Chan

Main achievements:

Timothy is an experienced designer and higher education professional and academic. A practicing design director, Timothy has worked with renowned multi-national architectural and spatial design firms in Asia Pacific. He specialism is architectural space planning and has designed in wide variety of areas and large scale design projects in the Marshall Islands, Canada, Scotland, Hong Kong SAR, Shanghai and other major cities in China.

Timothy actively promotes the collaboration and links between higher education Interior Design course and institutions both locally and abroad. He is also constantly keeping up his design sensitivity and knowledge to the most up-to-date design activities via his vast network in the design industries.

Timothy has a Diploma of Design from Hong Kong Design Institution, a post graduate MA in Design and Applied Arts, University of Edinburgh and a Doctorate Business and Administration from Edinburgh Napier University, focusing on the area of designer training in breaching the gap between design education and industry’s expectation.
